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As a result of the mobile reception, a marriage was registered in a pre-trial detention center
Odilbek Allayorov, regional representative of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) in Khorezm region, conducted a monitoring visit to remand prison No. 11. In the course of the monitoring visit, the conditions of detention of persons held in this institution were studied, an on-site reception of prisoners was conducted, and conversations with their close relatives were held.

Prisoner F.Y. expressed a desire to officially register his marriage with a woman with whom he had previously been in a common-law marriage and requested assistance in formalizing the marriage. The regional representative sent this request to the registry office of Urgench city, where it was considered, and on July 26 of this year the marriage between F.Y. and his common-law spouse was officially registered.

The complaint of the prisoner K.L. about non-receipt of his written appeal by the Ombudsman was also considered. The regional representative took this complaint under control. In the course of checking the special register of prisoners' appeals, it was found that K.L.'s appeal was handed over to the regional representative on July 15 of the current year, and sent to the Ombudsman on July 17. At present, this appeal is under consideration, and on its basis it is being checked by the Supreme Court and the Prosecutor's Office.

In addition, during the mobile reception, the regional representative met with persons in the remand center and their close relatives who came to the meeting and answered all their questions.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)