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The regional representative of the Ombudsman in Tashkent visited the spot to investigate the appeal
Citizen of Tashkent city K.L. applied to the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) with a request to provide practical assistance in signing an offer contract for social assistance and amending some clauses.

This appeal was taken under the control of the Ombudsman and studied on site together with the Ombudsman's regional representative in Tashkent and the National Social Protection Agency.

The study found that changing some of the sentences quoted by the applicant did not change the requirements and content of the contract. As a result, it was decided to exclude the phrase "the recipient of this public offer without any other conditions, exceptions and agreements" from the introductory part of the offer agreement, as well as the word "without monetization" in paragraph 3. It was also clarified that the word "in accordance with the established procedure" in the social service agreement cannot be replaced by the sentence "in the process of drafting".

Currently, taking into account the suggestions made by citizen K.L., the amended "Offer Agreement" and "Social Service Agreement" have been signed, and the documents for receiving social assistance as a single elderly person in need of extraneous care have been attached.

For information: in accordance with the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the introduction of a qualitatively new system of social services and assistance to persons in need of outside care", identification of persons in need of outside care, assessment of their living conditions, inclusion in the register of elderly persons living alone, persons with disabilities, formation of a plan for the provision of social services and assistance on an individual basis and the procedure for monitoring the effectiveness of social services and assistance is established.

Determination of the category of the person in need of care, inclusion and exclusion from the register, conclusion on assessment of living conditions and approval of the individual plan of social services is carried out by the Center "Inson".

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)